Ode to Friday night fast food…..

By the weekend
We used to send
For food from afar
Without leaving the car
But we got on a kick
To eat and not feel sick
I won’t tell a lie
Friday nights, we would still buy
We’d moved on to rice
And noodles once or twice
But I didn’t like the oil
The food it did spoil
It still wasn’t fine
The recipe wasn’t’ mine
So now Friday night
Is a “Fake-away” sight
Of dishes so yummy
And best for my tummy
So now all the while
It does make me smile
To hear the teenagers say,
“This is so much better than take away!”

Gluten Free Pumpkin Spiced Pizza – yields 1 x 9 inch pizza

160 grams of Macro Wholefoods (Woolworths) pizza dough
1 x egg
50 ml water
½ cup pumpkin puree
1 x can diced tomatoes or prepared gf tomato paste/sauce
1 Tbls Perfecto Italiano ultra light ricotta cheese
50g Perfecto Italiano light mozzarella cheese
Toppings of your choice – I used mini roma tomatoes, mushroom , some pumpkin relish, and spinach, and zucchini

Combine pizza dough, egg, water and pumpkin puree and mix with a mixer or for about 2 minutes. Once combined, knead lightly in the bowl and leave to rest while you prepare the sauce. Drain the tomatoes and put the diced pieces in the food processor with the ricotta cheese for a tasty base spread. I also use pureed pumpkin sometimes which is also delicious.

Preheat oven to 180.

Lightly spray a 9 inch round pan or pizza pan. Gently roll out your dough or attempt to spin it around old-school style, just make sure your floor is clean (hello 8 second rule!). Spread a small amount of the sauce on the pizza base and reserve the rest for pasta later in the week. Sprinkle a small amount of cheese on top of the sauce and then layer on the toppings. Finish off with the rest of the cheese.

Bake for approximately 10-12 minutes until edges are golden. Serve with salad and lap in the glory of homemade pizza that your family is happy to dial 1300 HOME for!

Gluten free pumpkin spiced pizza

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1 Response to Ode to Friday night fast food…..

  1. GK says:

    I just can’t stop looking at that Pumpkin Spiced pizza, looks absolutely delicious. I will be trying that next Friday night, but I might put a little something meaty in it? (gasp!) I know that’s sacrilegious, but I can’t resist!!!!

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